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At Buzz Marketing, we understand that pets are integral to many of our employees' lives and can contribute to a more enjoyable and comfortable work environment. To accommodate pet owners, we are pleased to introduce a policy that allows employees to bring their dogs to the office under certain conditions to ensure a harmonious and productive workplace for everyone.


This policy applies to all Buzz Marketing employees who wish to bring their dogs to the office. The policy ensures that pet owners and their canine companions coexist harmoniously with all staff members in a productive work environment.

Pre-Approval Required

Employees who wish to bring their dogs to the office must obtain approval from Barry or Niko. The approval will be based on the dog's temperament, health records, and compatibility with a busy office environment.

Trial Period 

Each dog will be allowed on a trial basis for a period determined by management to ensure they adapt well to the office environment without causing disturbance. 

Quietness: Dogs prone to barking excessively or making loud noises will not be permitted in the office. It is essential to maintain a quiet and professional atmosphere that is conducive to productivity.

Behaviour: Dogs must be well-behaved and are not to disturb or intimidate other employees. Aggressive behaviour towards people or other pets will immediately revoke office access privileges for the pet.


Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets and ensuring they are well-groomed and free of odours to maintain a clean and hygienic office environment.


Pets must always be under their owner's direct supervision. Pets should be supervised and allowed to roam freely around the office.

Damage & Liability 

Owners are financially responsible for any damage or injury caused by their pets. All pet owners must sign a liability waiver form before bringing their dogs to the office. 

Restricted Areas

Pets are prohibited in the kitchen or any area where food is prepared or consumed.

Designated Outdoor Areas

Dogs must be taken outside at the back of the building for bathroom breaks. Owners are responsible for immediately cleaning up after their pets and disposing of the waste outside the provided receptacles. This ensures that the outdoor space remains clean and accessible for all employees and visitors. Owners are encouraged to schedule regular breaks to minimize disruptions and maintain a comfortable dog environment. 

Water & Food 

Employees must bring their own food and water dishes for their dogs. The dishes must be kept in the owner's workspace or designated pet-friendly areas to avoid obstacles or hazards in common areas. It is essential to ensure that food and water are available to pets, maintaining their well-being throughout the day while minimizing potential messes and disturbances to other employees.  

Buzz Marketing is committed to creating a pet-friendly environment that respects the comfort and productivity of all employees. By following these guidelines, we can enjoy the company of our furry friends while maintaining a professional and efficient workplace. This policy's success depends on the pet owners' cooperation and responsibility.