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This page aims to outline the steps on how to set up reporting for Google Ads clients.


The account manager assigned to this account is responsible for setting up the Google Ads reporting. 

1. Create a New Report

First, go to Reporting Ninja.

Reporting Ninja Credentials:
Password: M@rketx23

Start by clicking on the Create new button.

Then, name the report according to the business name.

2. Select the Reporting Type

Select the template according to the services the client is doing with us. 

3. Add the Client Account

Then, you will need to add the client account. Simply click on the platform the template is for or select multiple, if applicable. Then, select the correct client account. 

4. Set up the Recurring Report

You will need to set up the recurring report to go out. Unless otherwise specified, the report will always go out on the first day of the month. Refer to the form to see which email the client wants the report to go to. 

Set the email template to Buzz Monthly.

5. Change the Brand Template

After clicking Save, go into the settings and under the PDF setting, change the brand template to Buzz.

6. Post a Note

Go into Teamwork and post a note that you have set up reporting and the email to which it is going out. As a final step, check off the setup reporting task on the task list.