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This policy is designed to accommodate and guide employees in maintaining effective work practices while working remotely, acknowledging that personal circumstances, such as health concerns or other personal reasons, may necessitate working from home. It ensures that productivity and the quality of work remain high and that all activities strictly adhere to our company's Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and policy standards. Through this policy, we aim to support employees in delivering consistent results, regardless of their physical location, while upholding the integrity and values of Buzz Marketing. 


This policy applies to all employees working on Buzz Marketing activities from a remote location.

1. Proper Working Space

Employees who work remotely are required to have a dedicated workspace equipped with a laptop or PC and 2 monitors to facilitate multitasking and efficiency. 

2. Time Tracking

All work hours must be accurately recorded using the designated Time Tracking Spreadsheet. This ensures transparency and accountability. 

3. Communication and Coordination

Regular check-ins should be done. Please check in via Skype at the start of your shift and when taking any breaks, including leaving and returning from lunch. Additionally, we need to be notified via Skype at the end of your work shift. Mandatory participation in regular Skype chats or teleconference meetings is periodically required to discuss progress and strategies throughout the work day. 

Use the specified online tools for continuous communication and updates to keep the team informed and cohesive. These collaboration tools include Skype, Email, Teamwork Projects, and Teamwork Desk.

4. Remote Work Conduct

The quality of work performed remotely must match or exceed the standards expected in an office environment. Employees are responsible for mitigating distractions in their workspace to ensure a productive workday. Consistent delivery of high-quality work is essential for the success of Buzz Marketing.

Failure to adhere to this policy may result in disciplinary action and could revoke the privilege of working from home. 

This policy will be reviewed periodically and updated to reflect changes in remote work practices or marketing strategies. Employees will be notified of any changes. 

By following these guidelines, Buzz Marketing employees will contribute to a productive, ethical, and collaborative remote work environment, driving successful Buzz Marketing outcomes.